How to Critique and Judge Photos

and Evaluate Your Own Work


Judging each other's images has long been a tradition in local photography clubs, but the Internet is providing every enthusiast with opportunities to give and receive criticism.

Web sites like make it very easy to post your images and get quick feedback. You can also critique the work of others, and learn from comments made about any photos that interest you. Feedback often comes from skilled photographers, and their comments will quickly help you improve your skills.

As you get involved in these activities, our photo judging tips are intended to help you in two ways:

 How to evaluate your own images. We'll show you how to check for dumb things you've overlooked.  Before showing your images to friends or posting them for feedback.

 How to critique the work of others. We'll show you what to look for in many different areas, to help you provide constructive feedback. After reading our tips, you won't be stuck for words.

Our judging tips are offered as a FREE check list of about 75 issues to evaluate in an image.

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